Results for 'Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani'

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  1.  14
    Urban Design as Craft: Eleven Conversations and Seven Projects 1999-2011 = Stadt Bau Als Handwerk: Elf Gespräche Und Sieben Projekte 1999-2011.Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani - 2011 - Gta Verlag.
    In eleven pointed and sometimes provocative conversations, architect and professor of architecture, Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani uses a critique of contemporary urban planning to develop principles for reestablishing the discipline. In seven projects designed with these principles in mind, he shows how his vigorous reinterpretation of the field can be implemented and what a fresh start can look like. Magnago Lampugnani envisages a calm modern city that can measure itself against the historic city, while emphasizing sustainability (...)
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  2. Vittorio Stella testimone del Novecento.Vittorio Lido Chiusano - 2004 - Filosofia Oggi 27 (105):29-52.
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  3. Some Possible Problems in Vittorio Villa's Version of Relativism.Vittorio Villa - 2011 - Ideas Y Valores 60 (146).
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  4. Embodying the Face: The Intersubjectivity of Portraits and Self-portraits.Vittorio Gallese - 2022 - Topoi 41 (4):731-740.
    The topic of the human face is addressed from a biocultural perspective, focusing on the empirical investigation of how the face is represented, perceived, and evaluated in artistic portraits and self-portraits from the XVth to the XVIIth century. To do so, the crucial role played by the human face in social cognition is introduced, starting from development, showing that neonatal facial imitation and face-to-face dyadic interactions provide the grounding elements for the construction of intersubjective bonds. The neuroscience of face perception (...)
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    Per Proudhon.Arrigo Lampugnani-Nigri - 1970 - Man and World 3 (1):76-101.
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    La personalidad del estado.Vittorio Emanuele Orlando - 1925 - Buenos Aires,: Imprenta de la Universidad.
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  7. A unifying view of the basis of social cognition.Vittorio Gallese, Christian Keysers & Giacomo Rizzolatti - 2004 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 8 (9):396-403.
    In this article we provide a unifying neural hypothesis on how individuals understand the actions and emotions of others. Our main claim is that the fundamental mechanism at the basis of the experiential understanding of others' actions is the activation of the mirror neuron system. A similar mechanism, but involving the activation of viscero-motor centers, underlies the experiential understanding of the emotions of others.
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  8. The brain's concepts: The role of the sensory-motor system in conceptual knowledge.Vittorio Gallese & George Lakoff - 2007 - Cognitive Neuropsychology 22 (3-4):455-479.
    Concepts are the elementary units of reason and linguistic meaning. They are conventional and relatively stable. As such, they must somehow be the result of neural activity in the brain. The questions are: Where? and How? A common philosophical position is that all concepts—even concepts about action and perception—are symbolic and abstract, and therefore must be implemented outside the brain’s sensory-motor system. We will argue against this position using (1) neuroscientific evidence; (2) results from neural computation; and (3) results about (...)
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  9. Mirror neurons and the simulation theory of mind-reading.Vittorio Gallese & Alvin I. Goldman - 1998 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 2 (12):493–501.
    A new class of visuomotor neuron has been recently discovered in the monkey’s premotor cortex: mirror neurons. These neurons respond both when a particular action is performed by the recorded monkey and when the same action, performed by another individual, is observed. Mirror neurons appear to form a cortical system matching observation and execution of goal-related motor actions. Experimental evidence suggests that a similar matching system also exists in humans. What might be the functional role of this matching system? One (...)
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  10. The 'shared manifold' hypothesis: From mirror neurons to empathy.Vittorio Gallese - 2001 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 8 (5-7):33-50.
    My initial scope will be limited: starting from a neurobiological standpoint, I will analyse how actions are possibly represented and understood. The main aim of my arguments will be to show that, far from being exclusively dependent upon mentalistic/linguistic abilities, the capacity for understanding others as intentional agents is deeply grounded in the relational nature of action. Action is relational, and the relation holds both between the agent and the object target of the action , as between the agent of (...)
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  11.  29
    The “One Health” approach in the face of Covid-19: how radical should it be?Vittorio A. Sironi, Silvia Inglese & Andrea Lavazza - 2022 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 17 (1):1-10.
    Background The 2020-2021 coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic is just the latest epidemic event that requires us to rethink and change our understanding of health. Health should no longer be conceived only in relation to human beings, but in unitary terms, as a dimension that connects humans, animals, plants, and the environment (holistic view, One Health). In general, alterations occurring in this articulated chain of life trigger a domino effect. Methodology In this paper, we review the One Health paradigm in the light (...)
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  12. (1 other version)Before and below 'theory of mind': Embodied simulation and the neural correlates of social cognition.Vittorio Gallese - 2007 - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 362 (1480):659-669.
  13.  8
    Atomos idea: l'origine del concetto dell'atomo nel pensiero greco.Vittorio Enzo Alfieri - 1979 - F. Le Monnier.
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  14. Arte e originalità.Vittorio Ugo Capone - 1979 - [Napoli]: Società editrice napoletana.
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    Il ciclo nel pensiero greco fino a Aristotele.Annabella Lampugnani - 1968 - Firenze,: La nuova Italia.
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    Resilience Contributes to Low Emotional Impact of the COVID-19 Outbreak Among the General Population in Italy.Vittorio Lenzo, Maria C. Quattropani, Alessandro Musetti, Corrado Zenesini, Maria Francesca Freda, Daniela Lemmo, Elena Vegni, Lidia Borghi, Giuseppe Plazzi, Gianluca Castelnuovo, Roberto Cattivelli, Emanuela Saita & Christian Franceschini - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  17.  39
    Motivating Justice.Vittorio Bufacchi - 2005 - Contemporary Political Theory 4 (1):25-41.
    This article challenges the received view on the role of motivations in contemporary theories of social justice. Neo-Kantians argue that a theory of justice must be rooted in moral motivations of reasonableness, not rationality. Yet reasonableness is a demanding motivation, stipulating actions that people may not be able or willing to perform. This opens egalitarians like Rawls to the accusation of prescribing a political philosophy that is not 'followable'. The aim of this article is to explore the benefits for egalitarian (...)
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  18.  32
    Inept reasoners or pragmatic virtuosos? Relevance and the deontic selection task.Vittorio Girotto, Markus Kemmelmeier, Dan Sperber & Jean-Baptiste van der Henst - 2001 - Cognition 81 (2):B69-B76.
  19.  50
    Ist husserls phänomenologie ein transzendentaler idealismus?Vittorio Palma - 2005 - Husserl Studies 21 (3):183-206.
  20.  71
    The Bodily Self as Power for Action.Vittorio Gallese & Corrado Sinigaglia - 2010 - Neuropsychologia.
    The aim of our paper is to show that there is a sense of body that is enactive in nature and that enables to capture the most primitive sense of self. We will argue that the body is primarily given to us as source or power for action, i.e., as the variety of motor potentialities that define the horizon of the world in which we live, by populating it with things at hand to which we can be directed and with (...)
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  21.  72
    The Two Sides of Mimesis: Girards Mimetic Theory, Embodied Simulation and Social Identification.Vittorio Gallese - 2009 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 16 (4):21-44.
    Crucial in Girard's Mimetic Theory is the notion of mimetic desire, viewed as appropriative mimicry, the main source of aggressiveness and violence characterizing our species. The intrinsic value of the objects of our desire is not as relevant as the fact that the very same objects are the targets of others' desire. One could in principle object against such apparently negative and one-sided view of mankind, in general, and of mimesis, in particular. However, such argument would misrepresent Girard's thought. Girard (...)
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  22. Coronavirus: it feels like we are sliding into a period of unrest, but political philosophy offers hope.Vittorio Bufacchi - unknown
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  23.  18
    Phénoménologie Ou Structuralisme. Foucault, Derrida Et la Synthèse Passive.Vittorio Perego - 2023 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 12 (1):30-47.
    Foucault and Derrida react in two different ways to the new paradigm imposed by structuralism. Foucault uses structuralism to overcome phenomenology, in fact structuralism shows the naivety of phenomenology, in its claim to rely on conscience to constitute meaning. Instead, Derrida on the contrary immediately nurtures a certain distrust of structuralism, especially in its philosophical ambitions and uses the resources of phenomenology to criticize it, showing the metaphysical implications operating in it. We want to show how this opposing position is (...)
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  24.  69
    Conceivability, Counterfactual Thinking and Philosophical Exceptionality of Modal Knowledge.Vittorio Morato - 2017 - Topoi 98 (4):1-13.
    According to Williamson, our knowledge of metaphysical necessities and possibilities is just a “special case” of our knowledge of counterfactual conditionals. This subsumption of modal under counterfactual thinking mainly serves a methodological role: to sign the end of “philosophical exceptionalism” in modal epistemology, namely the view that our knowledge of metaphysical modalities is obtained by means of a special, dedicated, possibly a priori, capacity. In this paper, I show that a counterfactual approach to modal epistemology is structurally similar to more (...)
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  25.  37
    Kripkean conceivability and epistemic modalities.Vittorio Morato - 2024 - Analytic Philosophy 65 (4):585-602.
    In this article, I show that (i) from what I call a “Kripkean” account of the relations between conceivability and metaphysical necessities, (ii) an apparently plausible principle relating conceivability and epistemic modality, and (iii) the duality of epistemic modalities, one can show the utterly anti-Kripkean result that every metaphysical necessity is an epistemic necessity. My aim is to present and diagnose the problem and evaluate the costs of some possible Kripkean reactions. In particular, I will evaluate the consequences and theoretical (...)
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    Power and the internet.Vittorio Bertola - 2010 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 8 (4):323-337.
    PurposeStarting from the end‐to‐end principle, a founding element of the internet's technical architecture, the paper aims to discuss its extension and effects at the social level. It shows how the internet moves power from governments and private entities to individual citizens, restructuring our societies and creating a new global stakeholder class – individual users of the internet. It connects the advent of this stakeholder class with a traditional principle of internet governance, “rough consensus”. It discusses advantages and risks of this (...)
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    Die philosophia naturalis ab sofort auch online.Vittorio E. Klostermann - 2007 - Philosophia Naturalis 44 (1):1-1.
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  28. Forschung.Vittorio Klos & Uc Santa Cruz - 1991 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 45.
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  29. Relativismo: Un análisis conceptual.Vittorio Villa - forthcoming - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte.
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    Replik auf Loidolts und Jansens Kommentare.De Palma Vittorio - 2017 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy:63-81.
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  31. L'epistolario di Pier Candido Decembrio,«.Vittorio Zaccaria - 1952 - Rinascimento 3:85-118.
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  32. Sulle opere di Pier Candido Decembrio.Vittorio Zaccaria - 1956 - Rinascimento 7:13-74.
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  33.  81
    Truth, lies and tweets: A Consensus Theory of Post-Truth.Vittorio Bufacchi - 2020 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 47 (3):347-361.
    This article rejects the received view that Post-Truth is a new, unprecedented political phenomenon. By showing that Truth and Post-Truth share the same genesis, this article will submit the idea of a Consensus Theory of Post-Truth. Part 1 looks at the difference between Post-Truth, lies and bullshit. Part 2 suggests reasons behind the current preoccupation with Post-Truth. Part 3 focuses on Habermas’s influential consensus theory of truth to suggest that truth and Post-Truth have more in common than is generally assumed. (...)
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  34. What is so special about embodied simulation?Vittorio Gallese & Corrado Sinigaglia - 2011 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 15 (11):512-519.
    Simulation theories of social cognition abound in the literature, but it is often unclear what simulation means and how it works. The discovery of mirror neurons, responding both to action execution and observation, suggested an embodied approach to mental simulation. Over the last years this approach has been hotly debated and alternative accounts have been proposed. We discuss these accounts and argue that they fail to capture the uniqueness of embodied simulation (ES). ES theory provides a unitary account of basic (...)
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    On the Emergence of Syntactic Structures: Quantifying and Modeling Duality of Patterning.Vittorio Loreto, Pietro Gravino, Vito D. P. Servedio & Francesca Tria - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (2):469-480.
    The complex organization of syntax in hierarchical structures is one of the core design features of human language. Duality of patterning refers, for instance, to the organization of the meaningful elements in a language at two distinct levels: a combinatorial level, where meaningless forms are combined into meaningful forms; and a compositional level, where meaningful forms are composed into larger lexical units. The question remains wide open regarding how such structures could have emerged. The aim of this paper is to (...)
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  36. Hegels System.Vittorio Hösle - 1990 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 44 (4):675-679.
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    The heavens and the Earth: Graeco-Roman, ancient Chinese, and mediaeval Islamic images of the world.Vittorio Cotesta - 2021 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Catherine Mc Carthy & Niall Mac Cárthaigh.
    Vittorio Cotesta's Eurasian Visions of the World traces the origin of the images of the world typical of the Graeco-Roman, Ancient Chinese and Medieval Islamic civilisations. Each of them had its own peculiar way of understanding the universe, life, death, society, power, humanity and its destiny. The comparative analysis carried out here suggests that they all shared a common human aspiration despite their differences: human being is unique; differences are details which enrich its image. Today, the traditions derived from (...)
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    Hegels System: der Idealismus der Subjektivität und das Problem der Intersubjektivität.Vittorio Hösle - 1998 - Felix Meiner.
    Dieses Buch bietet die umfassende neuere Darstellung und Analyse des ganzen Hegelschen Systems. Dabei wird Hegels Philosophie in einer klaren und leichtverständlichen Sprache einer immanenten Kritik unterzogen, die sich weder in Paraphrasen erschöpft noch mit der Versicherung entgegengesetzter Behauptung ihr Ende findet. "Ein wirklich faszinierendes Werk, das das systematische Philosophieren selbst erneut zu wecken vermag" Philosophisches Jahrbuch.
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  39. (1 other version)Torture, terrorism and the state: A refutation of the ticking-bomb argument.Vittorio Bufacchi & Jean Maria Arrigo - 2006 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 23 (3):355–373.
    abstract Much of the literature on torture in recent years takes the position of denouncing the barbarity of torture, while allowing for exceptions to this veto in extreme circumstances. The ticking‐bomb argument, where a terrorist is tortured in order to extract information of a primed bomb located in a civilian area, is often invoked as one of those extreme circumstances where torture becomes justified. As the War on Terrorism intensifies, the ticking‐bomb argument has become the dominant line of reasoning used (...)
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  40.  15
    Kritik der verstehenden Vernunft. Eine Grundlegung der Geisteswissenschaften.Vittorio Hösle - 2018 - München: Beck.
  41. Colonialism, Injustice, and Arbitrariness.Vittorio Bufacchi - 2017 - Journal of Social Philosophy 48 (2):197-211.
    The current debate on why colonialism is wrong overlooks what is arguably the most discernible aspect of this particular historical injustice: its exreme violence. Through a critical analysis of the recent contributions by Lea Ypi, Margaret Moore and Laura Valentini, this article argues that the violence inflicted on the victims and survivors of colonialism reveals far more about the nature of this historical injustice than generally assumed. It is the arbitrary nature of the power relations between colonizers and the colonized (...)
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    Filosofia e religione nell'attualismo gentiliano.Vittorio Agosti - 1977 - Brescia: Paideia.
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  43. La gnoseologia tomista nell'interpretazione di F. Canal Vidal.Vittorio Agosti - 1989 - Filosofia Oggi 12 (3):321-328.
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  44. Prime Integrals in Relativistic Celestial Mechanics.Vittorio Banfi - 2000 - Apeiron 7 (3-4):133.
  45.  10
    The heavens and the earth: how the Graeco-Roman, ancient Chinese and mediaeval Islamic civilisations saw the world.Vittorio Cotesta - 2021 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Catherine Mc Carthy & Niall Mac Cárthaigh.
    Vittorio Cotesta's Eurasian Visions of the World traces the origin of the images of the world typical of the Graeco-Roman, Ancient Chinese and Medieval Islamic civilisations. Each of them had its own peculiar way of understanding the universe, life, death, society, power, humanity and its destiny. The comparative analysis carried out here suggests that they all shared a common human aspiration despite their differences: human being is unique; differences are details which enrich its image. Today, the traditions derived from (...)
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  46.  25
    Il Mito dello Stato Moderno Nella Fortuna della Ragion di StatoLe Mythe de L’État Moderne Dans la Réception de la Raison D’ÉtatThe myth of the modern state in the reception of the reason of stateDer Mythos des Modernen Staates in der Rezeption der Staatsräson.Vittorio Dini - 2009 - Revue de Synthèse 130 (3):447-464.
    La trattatistica della ragion di Stato ha contribuito a superare il modello ideale dello stato platonico, il modello naturalistico aristotelico, il modello del diritto naturale teologico della« respublica christiana ». Insieme al machiavellismo ha conquistato la moderna distinzione tra politica e morale, ha prodotto una realistica pedagogia dell’arte di governare. Costituisce un contributo essenziale all’elaborazione del mito dello Stato moderno, con i suoi caratteri di universalità realmente operante nel disciplinamento sociale e individuale, ma anche con i limiti e le contraddizioni (...)
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  47.  42
    Notes on Text and Performance in the Theatre of Dario Fo.Vittorio Felaco - 1980 - Semiotics:131-141.
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  48.  27
    Agency and the self model.Vittorio Gallese - 1999 - Consciousness and Cognition 8 (3):387-389.
  49.  4
    L'ombra e la luce nelle leggi.Vittorio Italia - 2020 - Milano: Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre.
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    L'aspetto dell'arte: vita come arte e critica dell'estetica nel pensiero di Ugo Spirito.Vittorio Stella - 1976 - Roma: Cadmo.
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